


28 November, 2011

1 min read

I gave birth to myself

I don't have a lineage

Not a clan I lean in

Not a family I feel in

I gave birth to myself

My dad is only not but me

The sperm and egg I've seen not

I mothered myself til I am myself

I gave birth to myself

I don't have sisters that are sisters

My brother is not me, nor close

I've sistered and brothered myself

I gave birth to myself

I am not what they think I am

I am less what I think I am

I live, yet I am not me

I gave birth to myself

My world is as my mind minds

My government is democratically dictatorship

Not for all but all for me, myself

I gave birth to myself

My bank is my mind

Money is immaterial, before reality

Comes my thoughts, zillion dollars ideas

I gave birth to myself

This world can influence myself

The One Unseen may drop a seed

But I procreate my thoughts.