Chapter 3




5 November, 2019

2 min read

Chapter 3

It skipped a beat, and another and another

Then her heart started palpitating.

There was an amble, a pace, a spurt, a trot, a whisk,

Followed by a full-blown sprint then a flight

She meandered through this dark bloodcurdling, eerie alley.

"Did I hear something?

Did I feel something, or did I see it?

Was it a ghost, or zombie or man or fear?"

Regardless, her emotions took the white house

Forcing 99% of rational mind to early grave.

Two minutes collapsed into two seconds, there was galloping.

It was quadruped, of which two was slower, persistent, consistent,

and uniformly paced, obviously doesn't belong to her.

It once sounded like an echo before it broke into her sphere

Like a space shuttle breaking into the Earth's atmosphere.

'Hi' he said, grappling her upper hand

'Why were you running?' with a rather grimly face.

She tried to escape the high wall he'd built around her

She yelped, screeched but the clubby music from the blasting speakers

Swallowed her whole

Push the envelope or succumb to the inevitable

Every fight she put led to a torn skin on one part of her body,

Chiefly succeeded by a greater strain,

Preceded by punch, slap, bop, kick, plunk or a mixture of the flavors,

On any part of her body he deemed most fitting.

His pant, shirt and shoes as well as his penis were stained by her blood,

After he climaxed, it flooded blood and sperm from her vagina.

Her once racing heart walked rather slow

As her breath became shortened, and chest became tightened

Until she became breathless, cold and her heart stopped beating.