


3 April, 2015

6 min read


Yeshua Ben Yosef

This isn't the first time my camera on my quadcopter

has caught him praying in public

Remotely, I flew Phantom 2 Vision through times

And let it hovers above Yeshua's head like the Sputnik

It was minutes past the legendary Beatitude

Teaching em how to pray he gave em the template of prayer

For centuries known as The Lord's Prayer

Weather conditions recorded by Phantom:

Humidity: 61%

Chances of rain: 0%

Wind direction: North

Wind speed: 13kph

Temperature: 31C


Despite the sweaty sun

The crowds of multitude in awe watch and listens

Without murmurings and hissing

So grave quiet that if a grain of sand falls

Everyone will turn around hushing it


"...Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven..."

Those words struck my grey matter like thousands of meteorites

I felt weakened like Clark Kent in contact with kryptonite

Powerlessly, I drove Phantom back through the clocks

To far back as Nineteen-Adam

The serpent, after craftily beguiling the humans to desire to do their own will

Which actually was Satanas' will

For a minute it seems for the first time after creation

the earth was spinning out of I AM's will

When He came in the cool of the day

He noticed the atypicality of the atmosphere

He perceived the will of Satanas

He sighted the nakedness of the humans outside His will

The stench of sin enveloping them

I AM judged them all three

And pronounce sentences as befitting

To the humans He created

He love them so much still that

He took sheep from Eden and sacrificed unto Himself

The first sacrifice ever recorded

He was both the offeror and offeree

And the sheep the offering

Unto Adam also and to his wife did

I AM make coats of skins, and clothed them

A shadow attempt to restore them to their former glory.

Disobeying I AM to obey Satanas

Feeding the lust of their eyes

The lust of their flesh

And pride of life

Satanas has succeeded mutating the original gene of man

To a perverted version: The Dragon's Gene

And that has been the gene that has been passed on for millennia

And still is in most familia

When Nathan the prophet came unto David,

after he had gone in to Bathsheba

With a broken spirit and contrite heart he yelled

"Behold, I was shapen in iniquity;

and in sin did my mother conceive me"

Many call it the Original Sin

Myself and few others call it: The Dragon's Gene

I, once again flew Phantom through times

Rovers through the years

And hovers besides the apostles' ears

Yeshua told them

"Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder."

In typical fashion He took Peter, James and John

He was soaked and heavy with sorrow

"My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me"

He told the three and he went a little bit further

Fell on his face and prayed saying

"O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt."

It was quarter to eleven in the night

Weather conditions recorded by Phantom:

Humidity: 11%

Chances of snow: 63%

Wind direction: North

Wind speed: 19kph

Temperature: 12C


It was a cold night at Gethsemane

The disciples couldn't help but wrapped themselves up in sleep

Having drank of his blood and ate of his fleshy meat

He came and found them sleeping he talked to Peter for awhile

And went back praying with the same words

Again, he came to check on them

Their eyes were heavily loaded with sleep

He left them to continue praying those same words

In this familiar garden of prayer,
Jesus looked deeply into the Father's Cup
he was about to drink and was terrified
Everything in his human flesh wanted to flee
the impending physical torture of crucifixion
And his Holy Spirit groaned with ineffable dread
at the far greater impending
spiritual torture of being forsaken by his Father
He hated sin
The Father hated sin
Still it is the same sin he wears
The sin of the whole world
Belonging to born and unborn souls
No stronger stench that this
Nothing more filthier that this
Wearing this filthy rag of sin
And being forsaken by HIM
It was death unimaginable
Horrendously gruesome
More dreadful than the angel of death himself
And all his greatest stunts
Ever pulled or to be

He was less concerned about his gruesome slaughter

Distastefulness of the bloody path he must tread

The death defying painful pains he must endure

The crown of shame he must wear

The anguish in being laughed to scorn by Satanas

The nightmare of being striped of all his heavenly majesty

And turned into a curse that even mere mortals are ashamed of

The antipathy of being feasted upon by the beast of the air

The abhorrence of being swallowed up by death

Yeshua must have been flaunting his god nature to men

All through his years of ministering

Turning water to wine, healing the sick

Walking on water, delivering the captives,

Raising the dead, stilling the storm

Or even his immaculate conception

But at this point his human nature standeth firm

He was as weak as a soaked bread

He groaned with hot bloody sweat

"O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt."

In a split second I flew through to Nineteen-Abraham

When and where I AM told Abraham

"Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you."

Abraham obeyed the voice of The Lord

And did accordingly

Though at the end The LORD

provided a sheep for the sacrifice instead of Isaac

But to I AM, it was deeper than as it is written in the Torah

It was apparently I AM testing Abraham

But literally it was a test for I AM

I AM knows very well after the fall of man

An innocent blood was needed to rewrite the man's gene

The blood of animals used for sacrifice

were only shadow of what was to come

They only mask the filthiness of the Dragon's Gene

in the man or people for whom it was sacrificed for

Only an innocent human blood which know no sin

Could rewrite the gene now present in man

All have sinned

Thus, only Himself, in the form of His Son could offer that sacrifice

Required to rewrite the gene of man

So the test Abraham went through was a shadow of what was to come

It was the intent will of I AM dramatised by Abraham and Isaac

Hence, conception was immaculate

Only through which Yeshua could be sinless from birth

Having in him the gene of I AM, coated in human skin

Lived perfectly without sin

Satanas devised means to kill him

Which he succeeded but doesn't know

Besides the evil activities of man and Satanas

I AM still works out His will through them

When it was the set time, I AM sacrificed Yeshua to Himself

The only sacrifice in which, the offeror, the offeree

And the offering was GOD

On Mount Calvary, Yeshua was crucified on a cross

Quick recall,

On a mountain did Abraham sacrificed Isaac, almost

Crucifying Yeshua wasn't as glorious to Satanas

As having him locked up in hades

When Yeshua got into hades, death got nothing on him

For he carrieth not the Dragon's gene

But of the most glorious I AM's gene

Thus, death couldn't hold him captive

Even in the grave Yeshua is Lord

Yeshua retrieved the KEY from hades

And freed the souls of the saints that crieth

On the third day, he resurrected in victory


"It is finished!"

And when it was due, he ascended into heaven

To sit at the right hand of the Father, I AM.

And later it was written by John

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

That life is made possible through the blood of Yeshua

The blood that has the sole power to flush out the Dragon's gene

Off they that believe and receive him

And replace it with I AM's gene

Those with this gene will know not the second death

To them is given the gift of eternal life

Back to reality

Port Harcourt City

Weather conditions recorded by Phantom:

Humidity: 100%

Chances of rain: 72%

Wind direction:

Wind speed: 0kph

Temperature: 24C



What an adventurous journey through times

So much revelation to meditate on

Time to shut this Phantom 2 Vision device off.
