5 min read
Cold morning fog suspended on metal netted fence
Thick clouds extirpating the day's veil
Humming its favourite song, swimming on its weight
Two teen boys eavesdropped the opening occasion.
The yellow tapping of a black foreign car
A suspect fighting with a cop on top of a cold coal tar
Another cop reinforced, expediting the cuffing of him
Crisp white chalk outlined the departed
Paramedic zipping up the temporal address of the departed
Yellow tapped area is growing out of hand
Red and blue lights flashing
Smartphones' cameras snapping
Bullets holes covering an ash color Lexus SUV
Two bullet holes perfectly matches the lens of a Ray-bans
The suspect and two cops brawl reflected on the Ray-bans.
Cold night fog suspended on some leafy trees
Stretching its hands to get full grasp of the earth
A ragged six year old, hair unkempt, with a face of dirt
Hiding behind a giant frowning sculpture's head
Peep showed with quiet bravery this grave moment.
A man with a top hat wearing a neat long coat walked by the monument
A wrinkled faced man wearing suit without tie,
Ugly black crow on his shoulder, stretched forth his arm pointing
Directing the man with the long coat to what's coining.
Paused, tilting his hat backward, he gawked rather intelligently
They both goggle, googling with curiosity what they've never seen
The top hatted man walked closer to feed his curiosity with the scene
The wrinkled faced man in awe stretched his hands sideways
Giving permission to thick clouds which hugged him uncontrollably
The crow now squatting on his head, both watching curiously
As the top hatted man climbed a hill to capture a closer glimpse
Of a man tied to an electric pole
Not so young, in his mid twenties, not so old
Hands stretched sideways, wide apart, tied to the cables
Both legs tied to the electric pole, can't move even if he's able
Totally crossed out like Jesus
Wearing a white tattered T-shirt and blue dungarees unlike Jesus
Saying his last prayer to Jesus or Lucy
No one knows what those torn lips are saying though they're moving
His eyes on his own shadow probably wishing it could loose him
A meandering wind blew his long coat, the top hatted man approaching
Walking towards the man crossed out on the pole
The wrinkled faced man reached to the ground with hope
The top hatted man approached the crossed out man
In respect he removed his hat and bowed his head, revealing his Ray-bans
He stretched his hands sideways nothing more
While the wrinkled faced man left with his crow, hope on his feet, disappointment galore
The top hatted man, offered his back to the crossed out man, as he took his leave
He wore back his top hat and walked down the stairs instead of the hills.
A creature emerged from the sea,
Clothed in white linen robe, with a crown made of leaves
Blue eyes, silky hair covered a quarter of the sea
The sea lifted her up and handed her over to the air,
The air kept her at any altitude she wanted weightlessly
Her beauty is brighter than a thousand suns, as she gained more altitude
The top hatted man saw her through his Ray-bans, her hands stretched sideways
He squeezed his face further, while she kept waving her hands sideways
She looked at him mutedly, as he took his potbelly down the stairs.
The six year old kept watching the horror
The crossed out man almost lifeless now but his eyes on this horror
Two young men fighting on a canoe not longer than six feet
The moon can't watch, now hiding in a dark cloud, maybe, so that no one could see
Lightening flashing taking pictures, thunder is the shutter sound
The canoe is on the sea same as where the creature emerged, that made the top hatted man frowned
The canoe complaint got to the court in the sea
Thus, the water ran into the canoe to FBI investigate
And then interrogate
The feet of the two young men fighting
More water rushed in into the canoe like a SWAT team to bring back normalcy
Sadly that's an unrealistic fantasy
To these two young men as they kept on fighting
The crossed out man shook his head in disappointment
The top hatted man walked towards them
Dark cloud covering the moon released its content
The rain was so cat and doggish, endless, far from end
The top hatted man threw away his hat, couldn't bare the stupidity of the young men fighting
He walked closer to the sea and eventually walked on it towards them
Clouds rushing to kiss and hug him
Nevertheless, their fight is far from over, canoe's sinking
Fighting continued none of them is thinking
The wrinkled faced old man walked towards the giant frowning sculpture's head
Unknown to him his squashy footsteps on the grass woke a creature
Wrapped around by the grasses on the gravy ground
Her eyes opened, looked at him, faced her head to the right
Other parts of her body remained motionless as she went back to sleep tight.
The ragged six year old came out from his hiding place
Led the wrinkled faced old man away
Fierce fighting between the two young men continued, now the boat is crying
Almost covered by the sea
None of them can see
Just the hatless man walking towards them on the sea
Furious over their stupidity and blindness
Showers from the dark clouds watering their foolishness
That it'd grow beyond their nose
The ragged six year old half way left the wrinkled faced man
Ran towards the crossed out man, contingent plan
The wrinkled faced man watching as he untied the feet
Of the crossed out man on the electric pole
The two young men fighting fell off the canoe, they both
Struggle to stay afloat, but their foolish minds and bitter heavy hearts won't let 'em
One of 'em held unto the canoe, and the other held unto him
Won't let go, 'till he let his hands off the canoe
Together they sank in their folly into the black sea
Showers from the dark clouds buried 'em so that no one will ever see
The hatless man stood on the sea, watching their funeral
The crossed out man, untied by the ragged six year old, jumped down
From his cross, embracing his freedom with his remaining life
The hatless man wore another top hat that came by the wind, put on a frown
As he sits down in same canoe, prayer mantis position, clouds covered him up
The creature from the sea gave a warm smile that had the night brightened up
Good morning!