


17 October, 2013

1 min read

Oh thou darkest night of all nights

Why did you resist to coexist with the day

Even when I offer you the most beautiful sunshine as light

Thou refuseth it and chose to be homogenous like a gay

Oh thou night which I regret seeing

Why do you love to enhance the act of evil friends?

Why do you love to use your claws, teeth, pins and stings on the upright beings?

Evil is evil, the evils love evil, that's why night uses the evils to use their evil make the good bend

Oh! Let there be light and there was

And the light was separated from the darkness till tomorrow

The light was called Day and the darkness Night, and they fought without laws and with laws

Night that lost the battle at hell still hope on another tomorrow

Oh thou night your night is as lifeless as death

Die! Die!! Can't wait to see thee take thy lastly last breath