The Devil got a God
2 min read
From the light to the dark is him, is him
From the top to the fall he limps, he limps
Belial and Leviathan had him, had him
Lost for a cell, sin never yell, pat him, pat him
Amen! O Amen! I put the miss in my take
Guns and Bombs, I put your third's in my cake
War as raw, this was fight of immortals
Amen is Amen, had him flushed out the portal
He prevailed not though he fought with his all
With the third part of the stars he fell with his fall
O heaven and earth in Amen's shoe were destroyed
The Planet Heaven and Earth's foundations remained like my toy
After the reconstruction of a better foot stool
Bright light, Green things, Breathing living and Cool blue
Another heaven, paradise that had the fallen mesmerized
But wait! You haven't seen the being that the earth hails
Reflection of an image, image to Amen's image
But here's his heart always black as dark
Set to thwart apart Amen's plan apart
So he got the being in his pocket, beautiful liar
Amen promised a Seed, the fallens are on fire
So his troops came down, weaker beings bore nymphs
from the marriage of our race to the fallen's, it films
But a being and his fam is safe from the pollution
Solution was a flood, that's Amen's resolution
Conclusion. No! Here's another introduction
After the rainbow there was a drunk
a curse and homos, again the fallen dunks
So they thought, till Amen minded another
Comes the father of multitude, to a man of his heart, my brother
Down to the fearful One, the very Seed
After thirty-three, elevates, He has the Seal
the keys, the Throne and all that Power
Now preparing his body, his bride for that very last hour
The very One the Devil fears, the God of gods
The fallens' time is short so they rule with all sorts.