Saartjie Baartman




9 March, 2015

3 min read


Created dark skinned creatures
Because of her aversions to blondes
She's the black head Sumerian goddess
Sex is worship
Sexual orgies frequently escort the worship
Of various gods in ancient Egypt
Most popularly Phallus
The god depicted with eternally erected genital
The Greek imported him to Greece
And renamed him Priapus
Same metamorphosed into a saint
In the early days of Christianity
And was honorably placed in the church
And invoked by the sterile Christian women
They call him; Saint Foutin
Saint Rene, or Saint Guignole.
The myth about Black sexuality crept into Europe
Even in the languages of Europe
The darker the people the more sexual they were
An English proverb said
"A black man is jewel in a fair woman's eye"
Even Shakespeare said
"Black men are pearls in beauteous ladies' eyes"
This reinforced the steel and concrete foundation
In the minds of Europeans that
Black sex is more virile than the white sex
Sexploitation of the people of colour
Same myth was broadcasted as far as the Arabians
Night entertainments and stories had black women
As the very model of sexual competence.


Interracial sex
The rape of black female slaves
Was the most common form of it
Slavers considered slaves as properties
More or less same value of his cattle
Slave women were encouraged to give birth
As soon as possible
As much as possible
As often as possible
For every baby they had
Gifts were given:
A dress
A pig
Less burden in the fields or house.
The men were studs
Taken from one plantation to the other
To get slave women pregnant
To give birth to more slaves
Money was saved from buying more slaves
Slavers maximized profit doing so
The slave men never had to take
Responsibility for the children
The women nursed them,
The slavers provided for them.
This ill system has affected blacks in diaspora
Till today
Some of its bitter fruits are;
Diseased family values
Very high out of wedlock rate
Teenage pregnancy
Fathers shying away from responsibility
Increasing single parenthood
The plague that marries no-father -figure.


Tragic mulatto
Thin lips, long straight hair
Splendor nose, thin figure, complexion is fair
And anything Dr. 90210 can add or modify
Always presented as Jezebel
With insatiable sexual appetites
The kind MTV and the porn world
Showcases as frequent as often
Jezebels, sexually objectified
The models most people idolize
Nothing's new
May be the media, fashion and technology
American material culture in the 1950's
Commonly put the image of black women
On ashtrays, drinking glasses, fishing lures
Postcards and sheet music
These women would be naked or scantily dressed
Expressing lack of modesty or sexual restraint.


Sex sells
Sex on the loose
To many peer groups
It's simply a necessary transaction required for social acceptance
- Sex
Casual sex or cooperate sex
Teen pregnancy is on the rise
MTV celebrate it with a special program
Most rappers on MTV grew up without a father
Or father figure
Dad got shot
Or ran away from responsibility
Some rappers that are fathers
find it difficult to be a good father themselves
The proliferation 250 years on,
Would be difficult to argue whatever happened to the Black family
During slavery could not have influenced
the Black perception of marriage
Because Blacks were conformed, and shaped
By the slave system and environment which they found themselves
A pathology created.
Blacks are generally known in large sense
To be religious
But the pathology of sexploitation
Is destroying the Black community
In particular the family.
Poverty is really not the most major factor of dysfunctionality of homes.


Be not conformed to this world (pathology)
But be Transformed by the Renewing of your Mind
Sex sells
Don't be the one selling or buying
Women with transformed minds don't sexually objectify their bodies
By wearing scantily, sexually provocative clothes
Men with transformed minds don't see women as sex objects
Any man can be a father but it is part
Of maturity to be able to take responsibility for his children
The sanctity of marriage
And the place of sex in the home cannot be underestimated.