Echelon Conspiracy




4 August, 2014

3 min read

I remember last Friday night

Though it was peak summertime

It was winter on your Ladymatic

Your friends partied hard like rockstars

Thank God it's Friday

Summer fun saturated the air

But it's the winter cold you breathe

That explains why your lungs froze

Why your heart was heavy

Your mind zigzagging in your skull

Your emotions been rode upon like tar

There was traffic gridlock on your chest junction

Mostly of 18-wheelers

And your eyes rained like the days of Noah

Pathetically, superman is a fiction

Perhaps he would've saved you from those

Ruthless 18-wheeler drivers.

Nevertheless quadrillions of microchips

Were garbaged into earth's atmosphere

A day before

Equipped with the most out of this world tech -


The world's most advanced RFID tech

They are wired like spermatozoa to an ovum

That out of the millions only one can cling on

Programmed to symbiotically live with human cells

When the lucky one cling onto a host

It processes every information about the host

And sends it electronically to a central data bank -


As the host lives on and upgrade

The chip sends the updated info to the bank

By the tick tock of the second's hand

Owned and ran by Big Brother

The info processed and sent are all these and many more:

Date of birth, nationality, full name,

Genotype, blood group, bank details

Family Tree, marital status,

Academic and career status

Allergies, health status

Present location, everyday activities

CCTV live video of the host

Nothing is hidden nor can be

From Echelon,

The supercomputer behind this all

It was the cloud that demarcated

The chips from humans that day before Friday

And that Friday night our grace recessed

And the heavy clouds poured out its content - The Chips

Tinier than the string of an eyelash

I watched yours fell on you

Scenic it was

You shook your head

Thought it was a droplet of rain

You didn't mind what touched you

Until an hour passed

The chip you're hosting started

Speaking to you in a subtle voice

You didn't mind if it wasn't human at all

You needed someone to talk to

It convinced you to go join the party

Get turnt up

Drink drinks with names you can't pronounce

Bury the sorrow there, get wasted

Make out with a perfect stranger

Perfect way to close the curtain on Friday

But you won't listen

So it started playing music that soothed your mood

From slow tempo soft blues

As it bought you in

It paces it

To fast tempo party anthems

You were already lost in this self party

Thus, you made up your mind to go to the actual party.

Here I am, in my room

With my MacBook Air

Yes I did hacked into Big Brother's server

That's how I got to watch you

Studying how Echelon remotely control our minds

I only came back from my friend's place

Earlier I went to meet Acijam,

My Mexican-American friend

He's a software engineer

I went to him cos he has a computer room

With the tools he has

I've planned to jailbreak the chips on me

So that I'll be untraceable and free

But he wasn't at home when I got there

All gadgets, smartphones and laptops are tapped

As well as our minds

After reading this email

Give it to your dad to read

Let the President know that Echelon

Violates our "Unalienable Rights"

Echelon is a terror threat to

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness