Butterfly Sermon
3 min read
{Verse One}
There was once a preacher who preached about butterfly
Eagle, lion, sheep and some other inanimate objects
His sermon about butterfly is my favorite
He was a great teacher, one of kind in that subject
What I learned from him about butterfly no biology teacher knows half
I'm standing in front of you to show you that.
He drew up an amazing analogy
Between man and the life cycle of a butterfly
It wasn't a biological homology
But a spiritual allegory
The stages of a butterfly are
Egg, caterpillar, pupa and the beautiful butterfly
This is the part I like...
The egg is like the conceptual stage of a man
Conceived in sin, born into a world of sin
Caterpillar is known to be destructive, eating everything on its way
So is a man outside of Christ
Born into a world of sin, shaped by a world of sin,
He said he lived like a caterpillar until
11th of May 1969
Before then he drinks alcohol, fornicates,
Had his girlfriends commit abortions, double dates
And engaged in all manner of sin this sinful world permits
When he gave his life to Christ he went into the cocoon
If you're not born again that's where he wants you to go too
Like a pupa, he did nothing as he used to
But allow the Holy Spirit teach him how to live a new life
In maturity of that new life he became a butterfly
God gave him a vision then came the mission
From the missions to a Ministry
Greater Evangelism World Crusade
Through which God has saved millions from perishing
{Verse Two}
At the sunset of 2014
This great preacher slept in the Lord
He passed on to glory but the Word
He carried, preached and lived by, lived on
His demise made me realize more to his "Butterfly" sermon
I call it my remix to his Butterfly sermon
In the pupal stage, when the creature is in the cocoon
See that period of time is nothing more than a
Preparation for the glorious stage ahead.
Pupal stage is the Christian life every born again Christian is living
Now, right here right here on this earth where we're breathing
We're in the world but we're not of this world
We live by faith through grace in Jesus Christ
The Holy Spirit is the cocoon
The seal, the protector, and the life coach in this new life
Which is in contrast with the life patterned by the world.
Scriptures says when Jesus shall reappear in His Glory
Standing on the clouds calling out to his saints, the born again.
Oh The corruptible shall put on incorruptible
And shall ascend into the heavens to be with Him, Bible says.
The body we're born with is the corruptible
Yes from the egg to the pupa body
The body our Lord shall give to us is incorruptible
The butterfly body
If you don't go into cocoon as a pupa
If you don't give your life to Christ and live the new life
There's no way you can make heaven
There's no way you can turn to a butterfly
And fly to meet The Lord in the sky
With beautifully coloured wings
On that day He shall appear or when you die.
[End note]
Lest I forget Apostle G. D. Numbere of blessed memory
Who originally taught this Butterfly analogy
Is now with the Lord wearing the incorruptible butterfly body.